• Total

    Knee Replacement

  • Rotator

    Cuff Repair

  • Total

    Hip Replacement

  • Partial

    Knee Replacement

  • Total

    Ankle Replacement


You will wake up in the recovery room with a number of monitors to record your vitals (blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, temperature, etc.). You will have a dressing on your hip and drains coming out of your wound.

Post-operative X-rays will be performed in recovery.

Once you are stable and comfortable you will be taken back to the ward.

You will have one or two intravenous lines in your arm for fluid and pain relief. This will be explained to you by your anesthetist.

On the day following surgery, your drains will usually be removed and you will be allowed to get out of bed or walk depending on your surgeons preference. Pain is normal but if you are in a lot of pain, inform your nurse.

You will be able to put all your weight on your hip and your physiotherapist will help you with the post-op hip exercises.

You will be discharged to go home or a rehabilitation hospital after 1-2 nights depending on your pain and help at home.

Sutures or staples are usually removed at about 10 days.

A post-operative visit will be arranged prior to your discharge.

You will be advised about how to walk with a walker for one to two weeks following surgery and then using walking aids for another four to six weeks as needed.